Mark Sanford Mistress Photo

11:18 AM

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"Mark Sanford Mistress Photo" is the number one trending topic in Google search right now. The press and paparazzi are going crazy trying to find a photo of the exotic woman America has been hearing about nonstop since news broke yesterday that South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford had been in Argentina with his mistress of one year.

So far no photos have been located. All we know now is that her name is Maria Belen Shapur, a 43-year-old with two teenage sons and an apartment.

One thing we do have are the steamy emails between the two, which, if you ask me, are incredibly romantic and if it wasn't for the affair attached to them, they could almost be in a romance novel or spoken in prose. She writes from various places around South America, including Ilhabela, Brazil.

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