US Forces Attempt to Hijack Iran Oil Field

9:17 PM

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I understand that people around the world have been peacefully protesting the presidential election situation in Iran. And I understand that people turned their photos green to show their support for democracy. But I think a lot of people don't realize how big the media has made this. Nobody knows that they are being shown those images of people being shot at and beaten for a reason. That reason is to get outside political forces into Iranian affairs. Why get into Iranian political affairs? OIL.

It has already begun, too. On Monday American forces tried to hijack an Iranian oil field.

“US forces backed by tanks entered the Mousian area of the Dehloran County, laying around 100 meters of pipeline in Iranian territory," the source, talking on condition of anonymity, said Monday.

The pipes being laid were marked with Iraqi flags, said the source, and were blocked after Iranian forces pushed the “intruders” back across the border.

But this story won't make it into the main stream media. Neither will the story of Neda Aqa-Soltan, a protester who was shot dead during a protest. I'm sure you have heard that she was shot - she was displayed almost as an icon after graphic videos of her death grabbed the attention of world media outlets. But what you may not know is that her death was not caused by Iranian security forces. She was shot with a small caliber pistol - a weapon that is not used by Iranian forces.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has asked the Judiciary chief to conduct a through investigation into Neda's death:

"Neda Aqa-Soltan was shot dead in one of Tehran's streets on June 20 by unknown elements in a completely suspicious way," said the president.

"Amid vast propaganda by foreign media and many other evidence about the heartfelt event, it seems definite that opponents of the Iranian nation interfere (in Iran's internal affairs) for their political misuse," he added.

It wouldn't be the first time someone was sacrificed to stir up the global media, but don't be mislead to automatically believe that it was the Iranian forces who did this. Neither you nor I know who killed her, or why - but ask questions before you come to a conclusion. Form you own opinions, don't accept the opinions of others as fact.

All of this news out of Iran makes me suspicious. Why aren't people protesting the coup in Honduras? Why weren't there people protesting the hundreds of civilian deaths that occurred recently in Sri Lanka? Whenever the media attaches so securely to one topic it makes me suspicious, and it should make you suspicious as well.

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