Best-Picture Academy Award Oscar Group Expanded to Ten

4:03 PM

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The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences just announced that it will be doubling the number of entries in the Best Motion Picture category from 5 to 10. This is a throwback to half a century ago when there were more movies.

The change comes after last years Oscar Awards, where the Dark Knight didn't get a Best Picture nod, even though it was the most watched and most talked about movie of the year. The same complaints arose when Wall-E didn't make the list either. This had put the selections committee at ends with the viewing public. The committee looks for serious high drama, usually tear-jerking movies (Slumdog Millionaire won last year, rightfully so, in my opinion) and when it did not put view favorites on the list they seemed out of touch with the mainstream population.

The increase from five to ten will allow more fantasy films, documentaries, animated films and foreign-language films to be in the running. And although these types of films may not win, they will at least get the all important nod of approval.

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