Kelly Hildebrandt to Marry Kelly Hildebrandt

3:54 PM

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The closest thing I have ever heard of that is anything similar to this is when I knew a couple who shared their first names getting engaged, but this is just ridiculous!

Kelly Hildebrandt, female, will be marrying Kelly Hildebrandt, male, after she searched her name on social networking site Facebook.

"I just told him that I saw that we had the same name and I thought it was kind of cool, and that I just wanted to say Hi. It was a sentence, the whole thing was only one sentence," she told the "Today" show on Sunday.

"I thought she was pretty cute," the male Kelly said of his reaction.

Surprisingly, he had performed the same search once upon a time but came up empty-handed.

"I was like hey, there's another Kelly Hildebrandt in the world. Cause I had actually done a search on Facebook a couple years ago, and she didn't show up, so it kind of surprised me to see her on there."

After chatting it up for a few weeks online male Kally flew to Florida from his home state of Texas to meet female Kelly. They met at the airport (with female Kally's mom there for safety - smart girl) and have been inseparable since - well inseparable at least since male Kelly requested to be transferred to Florida!

In October, eight months after they met online, the two got engaged.

Although they are happy and a bit bemused by the story they do find it troublesome at times. For example there was the time male Kelly tried to book a cruise for the two of them through his company and they nearly ended up with just one ticket after the people handling the reservations assumed it was a typo when there were two bookings under the exact same name.

To keep confusion to a minimum female Kelly goes by "Kelly girl," around the house, and her groom-to-be is known as "Kelly boy" or simply Kelly.

I am glad to hear that couple knows where to draw the line, though. When it comes time to have kids, they told "Today," there'll be no new Kellys in the family.

I wonder how many people will be searching their name's on Facebook today looking for love???


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