The root of Carrie Prejean's homophobia - parent's divorce

10:08 AM

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New news in the world of Miss California, Carrie Prejean, and this time it is a bit saddening. TMZ broke the news today that the bitter divorce and ensuing custody battle between her parents that lasted for over a decade were due in part to homosexual allegations - by both parties!

First of all it really sucks when parents get divorced. Secondly, it sucks even more when the children are thrown in the middle of it.

Here is what TMZ has to say:

In one of the docs, Carrie's dad describes a confrontation he had with her mom in 1996, in which he recounts an argument in a restaurant parking lot, where "Ms. Prejean accused me, in front of our daughter, of homosexuality."

The papers also quote a court-appointed doctor who said "The mother questioned [within hearing of the girls] whether [her father] was a homosexual or had a homosexual roommate."

Carrie's mom says the "gay" allegations went both ways. In court papers dated May 16, 2000, a report from the court-appointed counselor says "The mother also alleges the father told the girls their stepfather was gay, that all men with mustaches are gay." The father's response: "The father acknowledges talking with the girls about the stepfather's brother being gay, not the stepfather."

Also in the docs -- a handwritten letter from Carrie's older sister, in which she recounts a weekend stay with her dad: "One time my sister & I went in the hallway of my dad's apartment, & his roommate's door was open all the way & we saw [the roommate] in bed with another man. I don't think it's right for my sister & I to have to live that way."

TMZ also reported that the divorce papers had much more horrific details, so bad in fact that they decided not to publish them.

Believe me, I really don't want to like this girl, but now it seems like her parents really messed her up, and I kinda feel bad for her. Maybe she needs to sit down, away from her family, and hang out with those in the gay community. Hopefully this will enable her to form her own opinions without her parents apparent negative influence. And let's not forget that she is still only 21. When I was that age I was just as naive as her, and oh how I have changed.

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